"I hope you are all feeling well on this Passover eve. I am waiting for services to start at the chapel. Later we will have "seder. ... I got my dog tags, chain, sterling silver by the way!" |
"I was interviewed and classified. My suggestion classification is as lab assistant. It may not mean much as the basic camp may change it..." |
"I got my shipping orders last Tuesday evening at Camp Upton to places unknown..." |
"...if you're in the hospital for 6+ days, you start the 17 week cycle over again and I don't want to do that..." |
"Your letter today sure peps up my morale. So please, yes I said, please, try to drop me a card or letter every day." |
"I have been in the army for 15+ days. To be perfectly truthful, I'd much rather be home." |
"Walked 1 hr. in the rain today thru Georgia slush and mud, unequalled by any other state. 2 guys passed out after the shots but I took it all right." |
"I thought I would drop you a line while I wait for my call to come through. Write soon." |
"Still thinking of you, wish you were here. This card explains my sentiments." |
"Did I tell you I went on a 7.1 or 7.6 mile hike yesterday? Here are all the gruesome details..." |
"Whenever they need kp men, I'm it... Luckily I had a make up class at 6:15 p.m. and so I got out of some of the dirty work, like cleaning the stoves." |
"Keep punching on that theory and codes. E=IR, etc. Give my regards everyone. |
"I'm hoping, hoping and hoping for something..." |
I thought that you would like to keep abrest of the latest Southern Telephone news..." |
"In a very few moments, I'll be on my way to see the 'White Cliffs of Dover'. I think it will be good." |
"So you are vacationing at Lakeside? Gee but I hope I were there. This army drudge is miserable." |
"And how did you enjoy your vacation?...I start, as haven't told you often enough, my 14 day bivouac. So if I get my expected delay en route I should be home within a month's time..." |
"Just a few words to say I'll be on my way home in about a month." |
"I didn't work hard today. Just a bit of physical exercise..." |
"Today I saw a picture or rather a training film, "POM", "Preparations for Overseas Movement."... |
"Tomorrow I have platoon field problems. They promise to be whoppers. I'll be firing live rounds as I move up. Hope no one gets hurt." |
"Honestly, this place gives me the willies..." |
"And why haven't I heard from you? I do spend my evenings here, sometimes, but I prefer the Service Club." |
"This boy, 18, from the Bronx, Fred Saldrich, died suddenly Sunday evening. No one seems to know the events of his death. Anyway, some men in his regiment, the 309th, are getting sulfa tables..." |
"Now tell me some little tidbits about New York. I should be very glad to hear about it." |
..."I say but it is warm. Had another clothing check. It is driving me batty." |
"It may not be too long before I shove off for the staging area and P.O.E....I hope it is New York." |
"Let me hear from you soon. I may not get your letter (in answer to this one) at this camp, as we will move out soon." |
"I am sorry that I did not write you sooner. I know you will realize the stress of these times...If this letter seems barren, please don't mind." |
"Gee, but I'm tired. I was going to go to the movies, but the caressing arms of Morpheus overtook me." |
"I just heard that we are 325 miles from Berlin. I wonder who will get there first, the Russians or the Americans?" |
"I guess that I am and will always complain. This time it is the weather. I freeze in the morning and boil later on in the afternoon." |
"You will not hear from me as often in the very near future because of the exceeding heavy training schedule anticipated. I hope this will lessen your anxiety." |
"I know that you will recognize the stress that I am under. I can state that I am well, and I hope you are too." |
"Greetings and salutations from Merry Old England...The weather has been particularly nasty. It is so cold here that my canteen of water almost froze last night." |
"If my thoughts are incoherent, blame the sea sickness that I suffered for the first few days on board ship. I heard yesterday that the Philippines were invaded. We get the news over the wireless..." |
"When I receive my pass next week, I plan on visiting London. The Red Cross representative told us today that it is one of the most lovely places in the world to visit." |
"I was just issued the European Campaign Ribbon, which I am permitted to wear on my blouse." |
"I can readily see from this letter that this is nothing but a gripe session. So bear with me." |
"I'm glad to hear that you are getting along so well with your course in telegraphy. Keep to it! Say, if you do not hear from me in the next few days, I shall be extremely busy with training." |
"I am glad that I received 26 letters today: this represents an accumulation of better than two weeks and there is more to come. I am glad to hear that you are doing so well with the War Fund." |
"I feel as though I have just completed a Cook's tour of the world, from England to France and then to Belgium. I have just finished a hectic day of k.p. and now I am trying desperately to catch up on my correspondence..." |
"This boat is rocking and rolling so, that I think I shall have a time writing...This is just a short note to let you know that I am feeling well. I hope the same is true with you and your family." |
"....Pounds and shillings monetary system is no so different. It is just a matter of getting used to it..." |
"I had a march this morning of 9-10 km...Along the way, the generous civilians were passing out the most delicious apples..." |
"I took a shower in a Franciscan monastery. That experience completely surprised me." |
"I understand that Doris is taking the reporter shorthand examination. I know that she'll make the grade. I read that Tokyo has been bombed again." |
"Gee, I'm in luck. Yesterday a fellow handed me a wad of air mail stationery..." |
"I'm back for a 48 hour rest in the homiest home in town. We eat on plates and use silverware, German of course...But like Cinderella at midnight, this all will end eventually." |
"That Christmas party that Seymour threw for the gang sounds wonderful. Imagine hot pastrami sandwiches, cokes, and the like." |
"Guess what? I entertained brass yesterday in my dugout. Now don't get excited? It was only our regimental commander, the colonel.... Keep me posted on the home front news." |
"Just a few words to let you know that I am well. Your package was well received in these quarters." |
(Sylvia's last letter to Sidney, sent on January 8th, ten days before he was killed Germany in the Battle of the Bulge. The letter never reached him and was returned to Sylvia, the envelope stamped "Missing".) |
Doris' last letter to Sidney |